What are the best memories you have of high school?

There are 2 great memories I have from HS; the first one being friends.  I was completely new in my high school and very, very shy.  Going there forced me to come out of my shell in order to make friends and I’m still lucky to be friends with some of them today. 

The picture to the left is of me with my friends Erin and Melanie.  I’m going to guess we were in 9th grade…maybe 10th.  LOL  They will probably kill give me a really stern talking to, if they see that I’ve posted this pic.  Oh well!  Love you ladies! 😉

My other favorite memory of high school is my very last Psychology class, on my very last day, Senior year.  My teacher, Mrs. Agnello, sat our entire class down in a circle, a la kindergarten, and read us Oh the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Suess.  I had never heard to book before, but I instantly fell in love with it.  It was just a simple gesture and the perfect way to end my Senior year.  Thanks to her I now plan on giving my daughter an inscribed copy her first day of kindergarten that she can keep with her as she gets older.  I know it won’t mean that much to her then, but I hope it will when she’s old enough to understand the sentiment!

Your turn!  What are some of your best high school memories?  Please share them in the comments below!

This post was written for the Ultimate Blog Challenge and The Blog Dare on Bloggy Moms.

~ by lisa pollard on July 7, 2011.

4 Responses to “What are the best memories you have of high school?”

  1. I suppose I’ll expand on my tweet.

    I disliked high school so much, I spent only two full years at the high school. The third year I split between my high school and the local community college.

    I was in an IB high school, so there were some projects that extended between junior and senior year. My final year, I still sat with the juniors though I’d be graduating with the seniors. This meant that the last few weeks of school involved me doing prep work for papers and projects I’d never actually have to turn in.

    A lot of high school involved useless work like that, so I was resigned to it. One day, though, my Lit teacher disappeared for a few moments in the middle of class, only to return and say, “Phil, it looks like you’re free to go!”

    “Like, for this class?”

    “Nope, you’re done.”

    I’d envisioned another week sitting through those classes, so with equal parts disbelief and elation, I packed my bags to a chorus of classmates saying, “Bye, Phil!”

    I’ve forgotten most the rest of high school, but that one’s gonna be with me for what I hope will be many decades to come.

    • Okay before I even comment on your post, I have to admit that I’m lost. Why did the teach call you Phil? LOL Did I miss something? 😉

      Anyways, I compeltely understand your hatred of HS. The Blog Dare said happy memories so I tried to just focus on that. There are definitely more not so great memories. Trust me. HS is a really hard and trasnsitional time for so many of us. It’s not surprising to find that more people have bad memories than good ones.

      • It’s funny, because when I say “disliked,” I don’t mean the word the way I’d say I dislike cilantro. It’s more like–I disliked wasting so much time on something so ultimately unrelated to my hopes for my life. So it doesn’t capture a sense of antagonism so much as desire to be free from a ridiculous obligation.

        My nickname senior year was “Phil.” I can’t really recall why, except that my non-student boyfriend and I were tickled by it. The old McDonald’s name tag still in my possession from those days does in fact read “Phil.” 😀

      • I totally get what you mean about school. It’s why I ended up going to the college I did. I didn’t want to deal with all the BS that wasn’t going to get me to my “end game”.

        Phil makes a lot more sense now. I couldn’t figure out where “he” came from. LOL 🙂

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